In addition, I am relaxing the refresh interval to 0, which means that the feed will update in real time instead of after 60 seconds. Although Google requests that developers utilize cached feeds, I have gathered enough evidence of Blogger itself flouting that convention that I am compelled to do it myself.
There will be two more enhancements included in the update: the ability to retrieve up to 200 comments and the ability to cut off the preview at anywhere from 0 to 998 characters (999 remains the command to show recent comments in their entirety).
Finally, after completing work on the Top Commenters Widget, I have the knowledge necessary to transform Last Comments into a widget that will function as a part of your blog rather than as a standalone gadget in an iframe. It will also allow me make the configuration of Last Comments much easier for users because I will not be restricted in how the configuration screen can look, and I will be able to pass in many more parameters without worrying about exceeding Google's URL length limit. Not only that, but a widget version of Last Comments will be able to look exactly like the rest of your widgets in the sidebar. I envision this next version replacing both 1.1 and 1.2.